
Truth ::: Faith  belief  religion  science
 A personal  narrative of the supernatural and the natural, invisible and the visible, the delusion and the illusion.












C.S. Lewis



Phillip Pullman


Dan Brown


The Great Debate

Human Condition









 all images and text are subject to approval by ArchAngel Publications





Things that we do not understand we are curious about.

Something we pursue to learn about.

Things that we

must and are compelled to understand.


[82.1] BELIEF
 Leads the architect into a Mystical Bond with the natural world… Where, in differing degrees,

One gains the capacity to hear the ‘voices’ of the natural world.… Listen! …

Hear the voices of the mountains, the valleys, the rivers and the sea , The moon, sun, and the stars  Silence! … 

The whispers of words and thoughts of animals:

Experience the emotions and sense the clean inner aesthetic.

+ … The language of the dawn and sunset, the sacred hinges that Transforms the human soul at its most deepest level…+


[82.2] FAITH
 Draws the architect into an intimate unity between

The natural and the human:  the Divine worlds.

The Church teaches that one must die to the visible world in order to gain intimacy with the transcendent world.

There in the intersection of the visible and the invisible

… See! …

The authentic realities: The transcendent forms of 


 My world ablaze. Reds. Yellows. Blue. Gold. 

Spinning silvery images. Splash! Twinkle!

I have looked into the eyes of God

I have been invaded with unspeakable Joy.

All found in the sacred scripture in the appearances of Christ

Enduring expressions available to all.


[82.3] faith, Belief, passion
 I have always believed in Art/Architecture.

The faith that design and construction of

Sacred Art and Architecture

Will lead me to beauty

After a lifetime of Passion

I ask

What truly is creativity?

Who decides beauty?

My quest has taken me to the physical, meta-physical, illus ional

My most important discovery: The creative mysteries are found in



+ Beauty + Delight + Wonder +

Are revealed in

The Silence of Sacred Time

The Solitude of Sacred Space
Past Future are made PRESENT

We then hear the

Clean Echoes

From the edge of time

+…Come! to me! …  I Am the hidden Manna that you search! …+


[82.4] Belief (Pullman)

 "We still need joy and delight, the promise of connection with something beyond ourselves. Perhaps children's literature is the last forum left for such a project”


[82.5] Religion(Pullman)

 ‘Some of the articles and talks I've written are to do with the subject of religion, which I think is a very interesting one. The religious impulse – which includes the sense of awe and mystery we feel when we look at the universe, the urge to find a meaning and a purpose in our lives, our sense of moral kinship with other human beings – is part of being human, and I value it. I'd be a damn fool not to. But organised religion is quite another thing. The trouble is that all too often in human history, churches and priesthoods have set themselves up to rule people's lives in the name of some invisible god (and they're all invisible, because they don't exist) – and done terrible damage. In the name of their god, they have burned, hanged, tortured, maimed, robbed, violated, and enslaved millions of their fellow-creatures, and done so with the happy conviction that they were doing the will of God, and they would go to Heaven for it. That is the religion I hate, and I'm happy to be known as its enemy.

From time to time I have a new thought on the subject. When I come up with something worth writing down, I'll put it here.’


[82.6] CS Lewis

Alice In Wonderland: Lewis believed that we could work our faith out by living and meeting life’s daily challenges.


[82.7] Tokien

Tokien believed that  the Church had all the answers vs. Lewis wrestled with the big questions what is good and evil its all settled: what is good? Is there a God? How do we approach God?


Elsewhere- we are going somewhere else:  Dislike of women, black skin people who smell of garlic, those who commit mortal sin and so on.


[82.8] hope

‘Religion is at its best when in the midst  love of  the poor is active in the needy where compassion and love is most needed.’


[82.9] Notes From: Phillip Pullman

I am always fascinated by religion and by science because each is an explanation of the world. Religion gives one kind of answer and science gives another kind of answer.


 I am a religious man these question have obsessed me all my life. An impulse towards all. A sense of mystery. Religious impulse: our feelings about good and evil as the ultimate mystery.


It is not about the religious impulse itself. Not about religion itself. Not about God himself. But, what happens when religion gains political power?


Religion is at its best and its purest at it most when it is with the poor, the hungry, the oppressed (as preached by Jesus and St. Paul) at its finest. That is when religion does its best work. And shows are glory.


Religion is at it worst when it gets a hold of power.


When it begins to issue orders to an army to go and to kill. When it interferes with every detail of our lives: how to dress, what to eat decides who shall live and who shall die, what to read, what to say what and when, that is when it goes bad.


Religion must speak truth to power.


[82.10] Science and religion

Some of the homilies and talks I've preached are to do with the subject of religion, which I think is a very interesting one.

The religious impulse – which includes the sense of awe and mystery we feel when we look at the universe, the urge to find a meaning and a purpose in our lives, our sense of moral kinship with other human beings – is part of being human, and I value it.

‘ I'd be a damn fool not to. But organized religion is quite another thing. The trouble is that all too often in human history, churches and priesthoods have set themselves up to rule people's lives in the name of the invisible God (and they're all invisible- whether they exist or do not exist) – and done terrible damage.’ 

‘ In the name of God, humankind have burned, hanged, tortured, maimed, robbed, violated, and enslaved millions of their fellow-creatures, and done so with the happy conviction that they were doing the will of God, and they would go to Heaven for it.’

‘ That is the religion I an unhappy with, and I'm happy to be known as its enemy. From time to time I have a new thought on the subject.’



[82.11] Science and religion [Dan Brown: Angels & Demons]

The camerlengo speaks to the BBC on the steps of the Vatican: ‘To those of science I say: the debate of the existence of a God has been in the minds of humankind (theologians, scientists, believers and non-believers) for a long time Science may indeed win the arguments of the natural over the supernatural- the divine- the invisible- the sacred and holy.

The miracles that we now see and experience flow from advancements in medicine, technology, space, biology, and genetics. The research within these fields of study brings the “miracles”. The promise that science will bring to all of humankind the answers to human life. Science has promised to redeem humankind. 

Science has emerged as the rituals of the religion of the new God. To the scientist and the emerging disciples God has become obsolete.

And, this has cost us deeply.


[82.12] study notes: humanity: The Camerlengo

The stories that have made sense of human life, stories that have given meaning and purpose of human existence no lingered fall from the lips of our priests, pastors, and leaders. The narratives of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, Christ, and the communion of saints have been buried in the dusty sermons beneath the sanctuary pulpits in churches now visitor centers. The Virgin Birth. The Lord’s Passion. The Resurrection: sacred mysteries are no longer relevant. The inquiring mind searches for “truth” finding meanings in theory, experiments, tests, and proofs.  We live in an emerging world of personal computers, ipods, TV, films, NET flex My Space, Blackberries, God-Christ-Spirit has become the continuous images radiating from the glow of the plasma screen.


‘Science provides gadgets for convince and entertainment (a world without mystery?). Rainstorms are storm centers and spinning TV images, sunsets wave lengths and frequencies. The Universe, the heavens and its  stars are packaged into equations, dark matter, gravity, worm holes, and asteroids bringing certain destruction. Earth has become a grain of sand among billions of planets- our home is a cosmic accident.


The internet is a spider web connecting the single mind to the collective world of minds- yet our youth has become the prey of pedophiles, perverted imagery, and religious hatred on a world scale- we are promised unity and receive division. Our heats and minds are filled with the imagery and sounds of violence, division, fracture, and betrayal.


The opened kind heart reaching out to those in need soon becomes a skeptic as credit cards for food and shelter are used for furs, hotels, and the Las Vegas strip.


Cynicism, demand for proof, bias, internet web sites, and public opinion framed by the media has become enlightened thought. The human being has become the center of attack and now lies hidden behind depression, fear of neighbor


Medicine promises that our DNA will soon be engineered so that life can be extended  beyond 135 years, our children can be “designed” to our specifications to destroy the viruses that cripple life. Many questions as we pursue the quest of meaning.


We are spinning out of control- science is leaving the mystic, the religious, the believer behind- to face the spiritual void. Yet, some cry out for meaning to the night skies and see UFO’s, we look for the “Crystal Child”, others channel, a few investigate haunting, out of body experiences, the mind quest or stay tuned into the “soaps”. These are but cries  of the suffering souls longing for God unable to find meaning in technology and the scramble to bring new discoveries to market before Christmas.


The promises of the Science God have not been kept. Efficiencies have led to pollution of the atmosphere, energy  and food shortages, race and religious wars,  the world’s resources are drying up.


Science provides the platform for centralization of power with no moral framework.


[82.12] Science and religion: the debate

Rectifying science and religion:

These two fields that seem to be separate and oppositional.

Each claims truth one from experiment and the other from revelation.

Are these two areas of study: two different approaches to finding the same truth?

St. Augustine said: There can be only one truth.


Science and Religion: THE GREAT DEBATE

“Creationism”: The battle over how the Universe came into being.

Can science and religion support the concept of One God? ( St. Augustine’s position)


THE BIBLE: God said ‘Let there be light’. Everything we see and experience came into being out of nothingness.



PHYSICS: The fundamental Laws of Physics says,

‘ It is impossible for something to be created out of nothing.’

God has created something contrary to all the accepted laws of modern physics.

Scientists state, ‘ Genesis is scientifically absurd.’


THE BIG BANG: Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Éduard Lemaître (July 17, 1894June 20, 1966). The scientific accepted model of the creation of the Universe. A single point of intensely focused energy erupts in a cataclysmic explosion: expanding outward form the universe.



According to the Big Bang theory, the universe emerged from an extremely dense and hot state (singularity).

Space itself has been expanding ever since, carrying galaxies with it.

The exact time of Creation: Time 0


As mathematics approaches TIME-O the math distengrates: everything becomes meaningless.


SINGULARITY: God, Buddha, The Force, Yahweh: The Singularity? Does this mean that religion and science agree that God is “pure energy” The father of the Universe? Attributes:

Everything created in opposites: Symmetry, Perfect Balance, Matter-antimatter.

Everything has opposites: up-quarks have down-quarks; cosmic symmetry at subatomic level, Antimatter is the yin to matter’s yang.Galileo’s belief in “Duality”.


THE CHURCH: tries to claim that through the Big Bang is ‘proof’ Genesis is ‘Truth’ to promote religion. The Church believes that God was involved in the Big Bang: a miraculous intervention.

“Science and religion are not at odds: Science is simply too young to understand”
















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